Starting your first resin project? Good luck with that. But before diving into your first resin project, you need to be aware of resin toxicity. Here at IntoResin, the safety of our valued customers is our top priority. For this reason, we have detailed here facts about resin toxicity that you must be aware of before you begin working with our resins. Continue reading this article to have an idea about how to work with resin without putting your health at risk.
As manufacturers of epoxy resin, we can rightfully claim that resins are toxic. The epoxy is always toxic, even if the manufacturers claim it has no toxins or VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds). We bet if you carefully read through the safety labels of these products, you’ll know they are toxic. Thus, it is necessary to know beforehand about the chemical you’ll be dealing with to avoid all possible dangers.
IntoResin’s Epoxy Introduction
We at IntoResin provide you with the finest quality resins in the market. Our goods are created from imported top-quality raw materials from the best marketplaces in the world. The manufacturing process is carried out with the best production technologies. Our epoxy resin is manufactured in such a way that minimizes the presence of potential toxins. We avoid using cheap diluents and solvents that other resin brands use to cause the material to stretch. However, we do not claim our products are purely non-toxic, and you still have to use our products as directed for them not to be harmful to you.
Besides epoxy resin, IntoResin provides you with a range of resin art supplies. You can choose from a range of resin art molds, other resin crafts, including colorants, and a resin starter kit.
Safety Precautions to Be Taken
When it comes to the chemicals in epoxy resins, you can expose yourself to these chemicals in 3 different ways: orally, by inhaling, or by direct skin contact.
The harm that can be caused by oral ingestion is very small. This is because a large amount of resin ingestion is required to cause harm, and why would someone do that?
However, for the other two, you’ve to take the following precautions to keep harm away from you:
Increase Ventilation and Use of Face Mask
Resins and their hardeners are composed of different Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). These compounds give the resin its characteristic odor and the ability to give off fumes. Being exposed to these can cause respiratory irritation. Long-term exposure to concentrated epoxy fumes can cause respiratory complications.
For this reason, it is advised you work with resins in well-ventilated areas. Fans can also be used to improve air circulation. Using a face mask can further ensure that you are protected from inhalation as well ingestion of toxic resin chemicals. It is essential to wear a face mask and eye protection when you’re sanding your project for a smooth finish because epoxy dust can be quite harmful.
Using Personal Protective Equipment
A serious problem arises when resin comes in direct contact with the skin. Resins contain chemicals that can pose several skin harms ranging from mild irritation to eczema. Resin hardeners usually contain alkaline compounds that can cause a burning sensation on the skin, eventually leading to eczema. Frequent skin exposure to resin toxins can cause mild contact dermatitis and, if left untreated, can lead to eczema.
It is advised you make use of PPE to avoid such distressing situations. You’ve to make sure you have your gloves on, safety goggles, and clothing that covers your arms and legs properly.
Personal Hygiene
If, for some reason, you don’t use PPE, make sure you wash your hands and any exposed areas with soap and lukewarm water after working with resin. Look for any resin under your nails and apply moisturizer afterward to keep your skin from being dry.
Is Epoxy Resin Still Toxic After Curing?
After reading through all the stuff related to resin toxicity, the first question that pops into mind is the toxicity of resin after it has been cured. Well, we’ve got the answers to all your questions.
So, once you’ve given your resin its due curing time and it is cured completely, it is safe to use. Cured resin is completely non-toxic, so be comfortable touching it, using it, or placing anything on it.
There, however, is one exception. When you’re sanding your completely cured resin, you’ve to take measures to avoid the epoxy dust. Even though it is completely cured, epoxy dust can get trapped in the respiratory tract, which can be quite harmful in the long run.
Are Resin Products Safe for Children and Pets?
The dangers of working with resins are the same for adults, children, and pets. So, while working, ensure you keep children and pets away from your workspace. If any mishap happens, monitor the behavior of children and pets for about 5 - 6 hours and seek medical attention if the problem persists.
However, you can freely use your cured resin products for children and pets. You’ve to be cautious if you’re planning on making a resin bowl for your children or pet because some resins are food-safe while others are not. Any kind of tiny imperfection can provide space for bacteria to grow, which can become the cause of various infections.
Now that you are aware of all the possible harms associated with epoxy resins, you’re good to start working on your first resin project. Make sure you follow all the safety measures and work in an environment that poses no threat to your health.